Friday, August 26, 2016

2017 Planner - checked

So, a while back I was commenting on how I wasn't sure if I was going to get my usual dated vertical weekly insert from Travelers Factory. Well guess what, I pre-ordered it from Baum-Kuchen earlier today :P Who am I kidding? That's the only way I am comfortable planning my days and why should I try and change it just because I'm not sure how it'll look like. I might as well grab one and if I can't use it, I'll sell it off on one of the FB groups.

If you are planning on getting the dated inserts from Travelers Factory, head over to Baum-Kuchen, cause Wakako has the items up on her website for pre-orders. While I was browsing, I also got a monthly passport insert and the 2017 stickers :) I love tabbing my inserts with it. Helps me flip back and forth - also who knows if I'm getting the Weeks. I can use the smaller tabs for the Weeks like how I did this year.

Yet, I am cautioning myself to be careful and not go crazy over the planners like how I did this year. I think I'm going to keep to the BuJo for work, cause it seems to work. Combining work notes in my personal planner seems a little overkill - especially since the notes I jot down are a lot. So, I might continue what I'm doing right now and combine the use of both. I've been thinking about going back to using my Camel TN as my planner/wallet. I really want to cut down the things I carry in my bag, especially with my little peanut coming soon.

More updates soon :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Hobonichi Weeks

So, I recently moved back in my Hobonichi Weeks as my EDC. I was using my regular Camel MTN up till the moment I decided to separate my work notes/planner and start using my Leuchtturm 1917 as my work BuJo. It was a carefully thought out plan (as all my planner ordeals have been haha) and I decided to move my work stuff in a separate Leuchtturm 1917 BuJo cause I'll be out on maternity leave soon. I figured that it's best that all my work notes are in that book cause when I come back for work, at least I know where all my notes are rather than trying to figure out which inserts I was in. God knows I go through my inserts really fast and I don't want to lose any information and have them in separate inserts.

After separating my work from my personal planning, I found that I have a lot of space in my regular Camel MTN which is my EDC. I've been updating my Weeks and with the recent Travelers Factory announcement about how the vertical inserts will now have smaller columns as they will have all 7 days in a row, I've been thinking about possibly getting a Weekly + Memo dated insert for 2017. One thing I realize about the Hobonichi Weeks layout and  the Weekly + Memo layout is that it is pretty similar, except that the Weeks would be a tad slimmer and a tad shorter. So, if I am really getting the dated Weekly + Memo insert for 2017, I figured I might as well plan and get used to it.

Another thing that went through my mind is the Tomoe River Paper monthly + weekly insert that I got from PooBirdsRarities. It is undated so I could possibly try it out already, but I have this thing where I don't want to waste the planners that I have already hoarded, ahem I mean bought, for 2016 and I would like to have it all in one year. Also, since it's undated, I didn't want to write out the dates with my handwriting - so of course I purchased a basic stamp set from StudioL2E.

I think I pretty much am set for 2017 - if I decide to just use what I have and not purchase a dated insert from Travelers Company. At the moment, I am okay with using what I have but who knows in a few months time, I might change my mind and hoard, ahem again I mean, purchase what I need based on my enabling mind. Oh well, either way, carrying the Hobonichi Weeks will lighten my load considerably :)

Hmm.... maybe one Hobonichi Weeks, 2 A6 planners, a dated Travelers Factory insert... haha lots to think about :P

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mid-year Review: Travelers Notebook

It's July and I've been thinking about my analogue system. I am still in my Travelers Notebook (TN) and am loving it. It's been almost 3+ months in my camel and yes, I stuck with it. I have had some inclinations to swap and change back into my brown (there's something about the brown that just grabs me), but I decided to just be patient and see how my camel will continue to patina over time and use (i.e. abuses). It has served me as a wallet, as a planner, as both wallet & planner - depending on my needs.

I also recently got my Fourrouf wallet insert from Travelers Factory - the regular size in Olive and a passport size in Mustard. OMG! It is so freaking thin and does NOT bulk up my TN at all. Total love! I can't wait to see how it will start to change over time and use.

One of the things that I realized is that I have too much waste happening at home. I don't use the other TN's that I've bought and should really start letting it go. The Chic Sparrows, the FoxyFix and others that I have lining on my shelves and drawers are not doing anything but collecting dust. I wouldn't say I have achieve planner peace, but I would say that the system that I currently have is working for me and I see no need in changing what works. Even when I do change it up, it would still be a Travelers Factory TN - either my passport or regular; or the brown or black or maybe blue, but at the moment, I am happy in my camel.

I realized that simplicity is the key that works for me. Apart from the TNs, I also caved in and bought the Hobonichis - Weeks, Techo and English Planner. These too somehow were not used for the past couple of months. In a way, I guess I can't deal with too many planners being around ~ but caved in because I see how it looks like when others use it, but I don't necessarily use it that way. Thus, for 2017, I have decided to sleep on it for a week before caving in to buy anything online. I have done this for several items that I thought I want to get, but it's more of a want than need - like TWSBI Eco fountain pen, the Midori pen loop ~ I have been sleeping on it for more than 2 weeks and still have not caved in to purchase it. Which tells me that it's a want not a need.

Anyway, I think moving on, I will just keep to what works for me in my TN.

  • I know that I need a dated vertical insert - I can't deal with the horizontal ones cause I honestly need to have a visual look at my day in the vertical style. That way, the hours in my day makes sense to me. 
  • I realize that I do not need a weekly for my passport, but rather the monthly will suffice just fine. 
  • I might get the monthly regular insert for work use rather than the Hobonichi, cause I only need to have the monthly overview and the daily pages in the Hobonichi does not necessarily suffice with my needs for meeting notes etc,
That is probably my take away for my mid-year review. It feels refreshing to have taken a step back to evaluate my planning needs.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Morning Routine

One of the things that I have been continuously trying to do this year is to have a calm morning - where I don't immediately dive into the social media whirlwind, emails, etc - but take time to be present.

It turned out to be one of the hardest habit to kick off but over time, one of the most rewarding time of my day. i find myself constantly craving for that downtime, where I am not inundated by the digital noise. In this day and age, I truly understand that technology and being connected is an important aspect, but at the same time, I really feel that I have been stretching myself too thin, just to accommodate the digital needs. It also comes from the fact that I have family and friends scattered across the globe, and Whatsapp or FB messages comes in at the most inopportune time (i.e. when I am in my REM stage of sleep ~ haha).

This is where my travelers notebook is one of the things that I appreciate a lot. The fact that it's a constant in my life right now, makes me appreciate the time that I make to write in it. It's also too pretty to not constantly be touched everyday ~ you know what I mean. So, the fact that I use it to write, doodle, journal, write quotes, etc in it, makes it indispensable to me. I am trying to not let blank pages scare me or turn me off, but let it be a page where I can let loose and just write whatever.

I've also realized that I may have been too ambitious in feeding my TN-obsession. I have too many TNs that are sitting on the shelves, and I feel bad. On the other hand, I also don't (it's one of those weird moments). Either way, my constant EDC (everyday carry) is my camel TN. I've been super-finicky with the sizes that I'm using. I  have been going back and forth between the passport and the regular. However, at the moment, I think I am set with my regular, cause I have realized that I need the space. So, that is the current setup - which can change again anytime soon - so I am okay with that. Cause I know that my planner setup will change according to my needs and I have realized that I am okay with that.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Living life with a purpose

So, I know I have been MIA for the past few months (read: half the year has passed since I last posted anything!), but life has been good. There are so many changes that has happened and new chapters are beginning.

As much as I haven't been chronicling my adventures online, I haven't forgotten to write it down in my journals. For my mid-year check-in, I have started thinking about my 2017 planner needs. I realize that this year has been really overwhelming and that due to planner-envy, I went crazy and got too many dated planners that I am struggling to keep it all together.

As much as simplicity is a concept that I want to start incorporating in my life, I find that I really struggle with it. It's a concept that feels easy in my mind ~ something that I have always felt that I can easily attain and achieve ~ but in real life, it was much harder for me to practice it. I needed a breather and have taken a step (okay maybe 10 steps back) to evaluate and reevaluate my needs.

Here are my observations that I have concluded:
  1. Be true to myself. Just because it looks nice when other planner people does it, does not mean that I am capable of doing the same. I should not try and emulate what other people are doing, but rather let myself find my own voice and style. It's my own contribution to the planner community when I keep true to myself.
  2. Listen to my intuition. Don't get suck in that space in between want and need. I should know better than to cave in that niggling, insistent voice that tells me I need it all, cause I know better. 
  3. Be consistent. It's hard to keep at it when you have so many things coming up and wanting your attention. However, I find that early mornings help me find time for myself, to sit, enjoy my coffee and write. It helps me cause the day tends to be hectic and after a while, a pattern starts to emerge and I have continuously written every morning. There are days when I just wanted to grab my iPhone, but I try and beat the urge (cause I don't want that tech to control my life O_o) and so far, it has been good. Keep at it. It will be a great habit to start cultivating. 
Another thing that I realize, is how I'm caught in the world of wanting things to be perfect before I start to share things with others or even to myself. And the realization that there is beauty in imperfection needs to come from within. As much as you know it in your mind, or in your heart, the synchronization between those two, where the heart and mind comes together, that is where you will find peace and realize that it's okay to have imperfections. That is character and makes it unique. :)